Roos Test is a common test included in the examination of the shoulder, specifically for the presence of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). The test is very easy to carry out. It is also known as the EAST (Elevated Arm Stress Test) Test or the Hands Up Test.
Other tests for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome include:
Involved Structures
- subclavian artery
- brachial plexus

BruceBlaus, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Starting Position
In this test, the patient raises their arms to 90 degrees of abduction in the frontal plane of the body with the arms fully externally rotated and the elbows at 90 degrees of flexion. The sitting roos test is when this test is done in sitting. However, the test can also be done in standing.
Test Movement
The patient opens and closes their hands for up to 3 minutes.
Positive Test
The test is considered positive if the patient is unable to hold the arms up for the 3 minutes, or if the patient experiences pain, heaviness or parasthesia in the shoulder, arm or hands.
Accuracy of Test
The accuracy of Roos Test for thoracic outlet syndrome is difficult to determine and false positives are common.
Video Demonstration
video source: Physical Therapy Nation
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