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Quick Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Pain Science and Management
Challenge your pain science and management knowledge with this 10-question quiz. > > Take the Pain Science & Management Quiz …

Quick Heart Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Cardiac Structure and Function
Challenge your cardiac expertise with our 10-question Heart Anatomy Quiz. > > Take the Quick Heart Quiz …

Quick Quiz: Challenge Your Muscle Anatomy Expertise – Origins and Insertions Quiz
Test your knowledge of muscle anatomy with our engaging quiz! Challenge yourself with 10 questions on muscle origins and insertions, perfect for students and professionals alike. Improve your understanding of human anatomy today. > > Take Muscle Origin and Insertion quiz …

Quick Quiz: The Nervous System
How well do you know the nervous system? This quick quiz focuses on the human nervous system with an emphasis on facts more relevant to physical therapy. Resist your urge to Google the answers. How many can you get right? > > Take the Nervous System quiz …

The Joint Capsule
The joint capsule is a very specialized anatomical structure that serves a crucial role in the body. Here we answer some of the common questions about this interesting topic. The capsule of a joint is often considered to cause a unique pattern of movement restriction when it is injured or inflamed. >> read more…

Hornblower’s Test (Hornblower’s Sign or Patte Test)
The Hornblowers Test (also knows as Hornblowers Sign or the Patte Test) is a common special test used in orthopedic physical assessment and examination of the shoulder. The test targets the muscles of the rotator cuff. The test is very simple to perform and is reliable. >> read more…

Common Physical Therapy Abbreviations and Charting Shorthand
“Documentation and charting can be a time-consuming task for the physical therapist. The use of abbreviations and shorthand for commonly used words and terms can help expedite this necessary task. Even outside of charting, familiarity with the following symbols and abbreviations are beneficial as they are used extensively in medical literature and elsewhere.” >> read more…

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Alzheimer’s Disease & Chronic Pain: A Fascinating Case Report
“To date there are no quality studies investigating the neurophysiology explaining the elimination of persistent pain is individuals with AD. Perhaps by learning how and why some pain is “forgotten about” in those with Alzheimer’s Disease, we may be able to tap into better understanding of patients with persistent pain who have normal cognition.” >> read more…

Human Anatomical Terms With Interesting Origins
“There are thousands of different anatomical terms but most of them have rather boring origins. However, there are some common terms for human body parts that have quite interesting etymology” >> read more…

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The Pelvic Floor Needs New PR
By Julie, Wiebe BSc MPT
“The pelvic floor needs new PR! We need to take steps to break down the barriers for practitioners to begin to appreciate the power of this muscle group and the multi-tasking capacity that it has beyond just keeping panties dry, organs in, and sex happy.” >> read more…

Using Kettlebells for Knee Pain
By Dr. Ben Fung, PT, DPT
“According to a survey by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 30% of adults reported some type of joint pain during the last 30 days. Knee pain ranked as primary joint of complaint for this particular survey. In the world of rehabilitation, scientific literature has been pointing to the muscles of the hip as a major player in knee pain.” >> read more…

The Role of the Pelvis in Hamstring Injuries & Posterior Thigh Pain
By Diane Lee & LJ Lee
“Hamstring injuries are common in many sports, especially those involving running and rapid acceleration and deceleration such as track, soccer / football, cricket, rugby and tennis. In the Australian Football League (AFL) hamstring injuries are the most common injury, resulting in the most games missed, with an average of 6 hamstring injuries per club per season (Orchard & Seward 2002) and are responsible for 16% of missed playing time (Seward et al 1993).” >> read more…