Thessaly Test for Meniscal Tears

The Thessaly Test (or Thesally’s Test) is a test for detecting meniscal tears/lesions of the knee.

Involved Structures

  • medial meniscus of the knee
  • lateral meniscus of the knee

Starting Position

The test is performed with the patient in standing with full weight bearing on the side to be tested. The foot should be flat on the floor. The non-test leg is flexed at the knee to prevent the foot on the non-test leg from contacting with the ground.

Test Movement

The examiner supports the patient by the outstretched hand or hands to provide balance. The patient flexes the knee to be tested to approximately 20 degrees (an additional test at 5 degrees is sometimes carried out). While in this flexed position, the patient rotates the femur on the tibia three times, both internally and externally.

Positive Test

A positive test is indicated by reports of pain on the joint line or by joint locking or catching.

Accuracy of Test

This test is very accurate for early detection of meniscal injury in the knee. It is considered to be more accurate than McMurray’s Test.

Video Demonstration

video source: Allison Lang

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